Environmental Policy

Mountain Xtra Lac Montriond

It is undeniable that worldwide environmental issues have gone unaddressed for far too long. Irreversible damage is being caused to the world around us and countries are declaring climate emergencies. Whilst it’s positive to admit the problem, our actions must follow quickly. We must all make changes in our daily lives if we are to make a difference.

We know we’re not going to solve the massive environmental crisis overnight, but if we collectively and consistently make changes, educating and sharing as we go, then together we can make a big difference.

Mountain Xtra is extremely proud to work in association with local non-profit organisation Montagne Verte, a local initiative aiming to promote greener solutions for businesses and residents of Morzine. We were the very first company to join their affiliated membership program in Summer 2019 and make financial donations to help fund their exciting projects. Together our aim is to save our winters and to make Morzine the most environmentally responsible and sustainable holiday resort.


Mountain Xtra’s Environmental Pledge:

We are implementing the following changes, with commitments across four key areas…

Utilize ethically manufactured and environmentally friendly products where possible

  • Replace all light bulbs with energy efficient LED light bulbs
  • Discontinue single use plastic toiletries, swapping to complimentary soap bars, with recyclable/compostable packaging
  • Swap our complimentary teas & coffees to a Fairtrade brand with zero plastic packaging
  • Supply reusable and washable dishcloths/brushes, phasing out cheap plastic sponges
  • Provide self catered properties with reusable shopping bags 
  • Supply and encourage the use of Tupperware, over cling film and plastic food bags
  • Stock properties with reusable thermal coffee mugs, to encourage guests not to use disposable cups
  • Swap to petroleum free recycled bin liners


  • Cut down on chemical products, swapping for natural alternatives and refillable spray bottles
  • Re-assess all cleaning products to make sure they are environmentally friendly and in recyclable packaging
  • Only purchasing eco laundry & dishwasher powder/products (instead of tablets individually wrapped in non recyclable plastic)
  • Grouping our changeover staff into teams so they only use one car 


  • Educate staff, guests & property owners to save energy by turning down the heating, switching off lights and unplugging electrical items when not needed/not in use
  • Educate staff & guests on the three R’s of recycling
  • Provide “education notes” for guests not to flush anything other than human waste and toilet paper down the loo (no baby wipes or menstrual products)

Other business practices

  • Address excess and unnecessary plastic packaging used by suppliers
  • Conduct guest, staff and supplier research, into other areas for improvement
  • Carbon offset 100% of our business operational activities for 2020 
  • Introduce a carbon offset calculator / donation tool, to allow guests to offset the carbon impact of their holiday

And finally… 

Guests – What you can do

  1. Heating awareness – avoid cranking the heating up and opening windows or doors to compensate
  2. Switch off the lights (and turn down heating) when you leave the property
  3. Use hot water mindfully (e.g. one shower a day or share a bath!)
  4. WC for human waste and toilet paper only (use the bin for everything else)
  5. Buy environmentally sustainable products (e.g. no palm oil or single use plastics)
  6. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
  7. Leave no trace on the mountains (bring any litter back down with you)
  8. Carbon offset your holiday (flight and road travel)
  9. Donate whatever you can (suggestion €5) to Montagne Verte (a not-for-profit association ) so they can employ a dedicated sustainability director and invest in local environmental initiatives.

Help save our winters, help save our planet and life on it. 


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Mountain Xtra is extremely proud to work in association with local non profit organisation Montange Verte, a local initiative aiming to promote greener solutions for businesses & residents of Morzine.

Self catered chalets & apartments in Morzine & Les Gets.

Registered Office
18 Stoneleigh Broadway, Stoneleigh,
Epsom, Surrey, KT17 2HU

Mountain Xtra Ltd
4415367 (England and Wales)

Our Environmental Policy
Open 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday)
+44 (0) 1483 608396
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